We do our best to highlight the many things that can bring happiness into our lives and we'd like to have
a special place where we can put your favorite quotes, thoughts, books and songs on Happiness.

"Happiness, I gradually came to see, is the reward given for holding fast to what is truly good and important"
-Cardinal Avery Dulles, SJ on his 29th McGinley Lecture

"Seize the moment of happiness, love and be loved! That is the only thing real in the world, the rest is all nonsense"
- Leo Tolstoy

"A mind always employed is always happy. This is the true secret, the grand recipe, for felicity."
- Thomas Jefferson

What makes you happy?
Let us know and we'll post it here:

'Happiness is the natural state for someone who knows that there's nothing to know and that we know that we already have everything we need, right here now' - Byron Katie, from 'Loving what is'. Courtesy or Deirdre S., San Francisco, CA

We Recommend

  :: 'The Geography of Bliss' by Eric Weiner. It's hard not smile while reading this book. Part travelogue, part exploration of what makes us happy, Weiner goes to places like Bhutan, Qatar, Iceland, Moldova and all the way to the United States asking people -including some serious researchers- what happiness is, and can some places make us more happy than others. Sprinkled throughout the book are some great quotes on the subject: 'The search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness' -Eric Hoffer.

Some of our favourite lines: 'You can tell a lot about a country by the way people drive. In vehicle veritas. Israelis, for instance, drive both defensively and offensively at the same time, which is, come to think of it, the way Israelis do pretty much everything'…'It's never a good sign when a country's people are thin and its police fat'…'He speaks Spanish and wanted to go to South America, so the Peace Corps sent him to Moldova'. Funny because they are all true. ericweinerbooks.com

  :: 'Authentic Happiness' by Martin Seligman
(see our section on previously recommended books - HERE).

Here are some links to things that bring us happiness:

:: www.happynews.com - Thank you Rachel M., Norwich, RI

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain inalianable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"
-Thomas Jefferson